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Health Notes

Benefits Connected to Your Pancreas

If you've read my previous health notes, you know that the release of insulin by your pancreas is a sign that your pancreas and your physical body ...

New Year's Cleanse

Don't forget to purchase your BioClair Digestive Enzymes for your annual cleanse: two capsules three times a day on an empty stomach, taken with a ...

Alcohol and Hangovers

Based on my scientific gift of intuition, I have learned that when people have severe hangovers, it is at this time that they are at great risk of ...

Adding Cream to Your Coffee

As we are still going through an education process together and trying to understand how the BioClair Digestive Enzymes work, I--being my own guine...

True Joy Chemical Reaction

Did you know that when you experience true joy, right at that moment, your body activates a vitamin, a mineral and an enzyme?  Right away.  So, thi...

Cooking Tips to Preserve Enzymes in Food

Just a minor tip today:  over-boiling your food destroys the integrity of the enzymes in the food.  You are much better off to steam your veggies. ...

What Do We Truly Get from Food (Nutrients)?

Many of us have been brought up to believe that we get nutrients from certain foods, just like in the 1950's, when doctors were advertising how saf...

White Table Salt Disease States

In the last 50 years, consumption of white table salt among the North American population has greatly contributed to the following disease states: ...

Avoid Processed Table Salt

I have discerned that the white table salt is not DNA compatible with any human being.  I highly recommend pink Himalayan salt.  You don't need a l...